

PARIS-EST CRÉTEIL UNIVERSITY, also known as "Paris-XII" or UPEC, is a multidisciplinary French university located in three departments of Île-de-France region: Val-de-Marne, Seine-et-Marne and Seine-Saint-Denis. UPEC brings together thirteen faculties, institutes and schools, as well as an observatory and engineering school. The university's main site and headquarters are in Créteil. With 1,600 teachers and researchers, more than 600 PhD students, 32 laboratories, 1 observatory and some thirty technological platforms, UPEC is a major component in research and innovation. UPEC promotes a transversal approach to meet societal challenges. Research at the UPEC is organized around 8 main strategic axes, grouping together the laboratories and structures of the Paris-Est Créteil University.

The researchers involved in the joint laboratory are members of the SIRIUS team of LISSI research laboratory (Images, Signals and Intelligent Systems Laboratory). LISSI is a research team of UPEC (EA N° 3956) attached to Créteil-Vitry University Institute. LISSI develops multidisciplinary, theoretical and applied research focused on artificial intelligence and its applications. The main application fields dealt with are: healthcare, well-being and mobility of people. The research work is focused on complex issues related to health, ageing and disability, such as diagnosis assistance and therapeutic follow-up, monitoring, and physical and cognitive assistance to people whatever their condition (elderly, dependent, disabled, professionals, etc.) with the help of cyber-physical systems composed of robots and connected objects. The LISSI has a living lab for co-creation, experimentation and open-loop innovation, equipped with the latest technologies in terms of assistive robotics, internet of things and high-performance computing.