
PhD Student Korian & Korian Foundation for Ageing Well, UNIMES & Strate

After a scientific training at the Ecole Centrale Marseille engineering school, where she specialized in signal processing and telecommunications, Nawelle first worked at Joshfire, as a project manager and designer in the context of connected objects and digital innovation projects for companies.

Convinced that design is in perfect synergy with engineering by approaching technology through the spectrum of uses, she devoted the next two years studying Interaction Design at Strate School of Design. After a graduation project on the social and educational well-being of high potential children, she continued her career in the medical-social sector by joining the Voluntis company to design the user experience of digital therapeutic platforms for cancer patients and their doctors.

For Nawelle, design brings together a variety of disciplines and embodies a creative ethics that is indispensable for today’s technologies and the digital transition, especially for the most fragile populations.

As part of the Robotics By Design Lab, she is beginning a doctoral thesis with Korian, on the uses of social robotics with elderly people and caregivers in retirement homes, supervised by Stéphane Vial and Thomas Watkin from the social innovation laboratory Projekt of the University of Nîmes.