
PhD Student frog - Altran, BNP Paribas Cardif, UPEC & Strate

Hazar Zilelioglu was born in Istanbul, Turkey. After completing his secondary education at the Saint-Joseph French High School in Istanbul, he decided to come to France to pursue higher education; a Bachelor's degree in Animal Physiology and a Master's degree in Neurosciences at the Claude Bernard University Lyon 1.

During his studies, he completed an internship at the Cuban Neuroscience Center in Havana, Cuba, on simultaneous brain imaging techniques using fMRI/EEG. At the end of his master’s degree, he did his end-of-studies internship at Altran Prototypes Automobiles in Vélizy, on the contribution of thermal comfort for user experience design using artificial intelligence in the context of autonomous vehicles. During this internship, he acquired and developed skills in programming, artificial intelligence, user experience and thermal comfort. This second internship led him to decide pursuing a career in the field of artificial intelligence.

On the other hand, he is interested in computers, video games and technology. He has worked on several personal projects such as the use of an Arduino microcontroller board, programming with Unity, 3D modeling with Blender and the creation of a personal website.