

CESI is a higher education and professional training institution that brings together three schools, CESI Ecole d’Ingénieurs, CESI Ecole Supérieure de l'Alternance and CESI Ecole de Formation des Managers. From Bac to Bac+8, CESI welcomes students, work-study students and employees on its 25 campuses in France.

CESI's research activities are carried out by its laboratory, LINEACT (Laboratoire d'Innovation Numérique pour les Entreprises et les Apprentissages au service de la Compétitivité des Territoires, EA 7527). LINEACT is a national multi-site laboratory and member of the COMUE HESAM University. LINEACT's research activities focus on two fields of application (City of the Future and Industry of the Future) and are organized around two unifying scientific themes:

  • “Learning and Innovation", which develops an approach based on Human Sciences, Social Sciences and Cognitive Sciences to develop knowledge on learning and innovation processes,

  • "Engineering and Digital Tools" which relies on Engineering Sciences and Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies to model and optimize systems, process and analyze data, and make decisions.